Arrow preps docs on Bill Cosby and Roman Polanski
Arrow Media, has optioned a duo of high-profile books about two of Hollywood’s most controversial figures – Bill Cosby and Roman Polanski.
The prodco is developing Chasing Cosby: The Downfall of America’s Dad and The Girl: A Life in the Shadow of Roman Polanski into documentary series.
Award-winning journalist and author of Chasing Cosby: The Downfall of America’s Dad, Nicole Weisensee Egan, doggedly investigated the Bill Cosby case, developing ties with entrenched sources and discovering incriminating details that would ultimately come to influence his prosecution. In her debut book, Chasing Cosby, Egan shares her first-hand account of Cosby’s 13-year run from justice. Arrow’s series will hear powerful testimony from survivors and uncover the web of enablers, a key factor in Cosby being able to abuse women for many years. Featuring interviews with detectives, lawyers, journalists and jury members, this documentary series tells the full 3600 story of Cosby’s 13-year run from justice and what it took to finally put him behind bars.